Taru Anniina Liikanen
Taru Anniina Liikanen

Hi! Thanks for being here!

I'm Anniina, or Taru, or whatever works best for you. NOT Anita, though. Please never call me Anita. And honestly, people who can spell my name correctly with all the i's and n's are my favorite kind of people.

Born and raised in Finland, I moved to Buenos Aires 15 years ago to study International Relations and Journalism, and ended up working in political communication. I currently work as a freelance ghostwriter and write novels in my spare time. A couple of years ago I also became a stand-up comedian, because I found that talking about my sex life on stage in front of people I don't know was the best way to deal with my fear of failure.

I write popular and unpopular opinions about culture, society, politics, feminism, health, relationships and entertainment, or whatever comes to mind, often related to Latin America or Finland.

Favorite things in the world include books (many favorites in several genres, currently stanning Curtis Sittenfeld, Celeste Ng, Zadie Smith and my forever favorite Kurt Vonnegut), dogs, the gym, comedy, my lovely Colombian long-distance bf, my nephew, that walking-on-clouds-feeling of a fresh pair of running shoes, Foo Fighters, and my air fryer.

Medium member since August 2021
Editor of The Proxies
Connect with Taru Anniina Liikanen
Taru Anniina Liikanen

Taru Anniina Liikanen

Stand-up comedian and recovering political ghostwriter. Finnish by birth, porteña at heart. Bad jokes frequent.