Finnish PM Still Having to Eat Shit From the Media For Being a Person

It doesn’t help that she’s a woman and good at her job, of course.

Taru Anniina Liikanen
4 min readDec 6, 2021
Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin giving an interview for television.
By FinnishGovernment — Prime Minister Sanna Marin, CC BY 2.0,

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin is the protagonist of yet another scandal.

What could it be? After all, this is the 36-year-old, attractive woman who caused a stir by appearing on the pages of a fashion magazine in a *gasp* blazer with some cleavage showing.

And who could forget about Marin’s second major scandal, #Breakfastgate? This was about how she used a government benefit to order breakfast and other cold meals. Not only have her predecessors done the same thing, but the law wasn’t clear, an investigation determined no crime took place, and Marin has since paid back most of those expenses.

Unlike all prime ministers before her, Sanna Marin is the mother of a toddler. She was leading the country in the time of a historic pandemic and global economic downturn. I would much rather see her not have to worry about preparing her breakfast on top of all that.

The bros are fuming because of her success. Everything Marin does is an insult to them, because she is an incredibly smart and capable woman.

So, what’s the scandal this time?



Taru Anniina Liikanen

Stand-up comedian and recovering political ghostwriter. Finnish by birth, porteña at heart. Bad jokes frequent.