Member-only story
No, Comedy Is Not Dead
Or, how I really need to stop talking to people at the gym, part 2.
Gyms can be problematic places, especially for women. With all the dudes giving you fitness advice, others telling you they don’t like seeing people who are out of shape, and just the general energy, I do still feel like a fish out of water sometimes.
So I try to just focus on my workout. The thing that happens when you work out at the same gym at the same time every day for several months, though, is that you end up knowing all the people who go there at the same time.
And those people… Well, let’s say they’re not always the most socially progressive.
A couple of days ago, I was telling someone about starting to do standup, and they waved another guy over.
“Did you know that Anniina is doing standup?” He explained to the other dude.
I expected something nice, maybe a question of where to see me or some other normal and polite answer. Nope.
“Oh, but you can’t do comedy anymore.”
“Uhm, what? Of course you can.”
“Yeah, you can’t say anything because someone will get mad.”
“Well, I’ve so far not bombed once, and nobody’s gotten mad.”